7 Sure-Shot Tips To Make your WordPress Blog Popular | BlogTipsNTricks: Blogger Templates | Widgets | Tips

When it comes to blogging and business, one of the most powerful platforms on the Web these days is WordPress. People everywhere are in awe of this amazing site that allows you to create and start your own blogs every day. Whether you create a self-hosted one with your own server or you do it with the free options, it is certainly all worth it. However, many bloggers are not up to the task of blogging regularly and give up just after sometime. The reason behind that is the zero popularity that their blogs get for the first few months. They aren’t necessarily satisfied with the response.


Getting Popular On WordPress With Time

Where do you think the problem lies in here? Even though the blog posts are entirely awesome and innovative, the blogs take a little time to be popular. The key here is patience. So, with the help of these strategies, you can easily create blogs that will be popular with time.

Keep Your Focus On A Single Topic

The first step to write a popular yet creative blog is to put your entire focus on a single subject. Stick to that and if you feel like you have reached your limit, then move on to broadening the topic to a new level. Writing about a single topic for a very long time is not really possible. You might hardly have 3-4 blogs to write on it. So, broadening your topic and reaching out to an extended area is the trick here.

When you keep the focus on a single topic of content, you will have people look up to you for more information regarding the topic. As a result of that, you will end up having more followers than before as people will keep coming back to you for more.

‘Blogosphere’ Is A Great Place For Making Friends

When you write about a single topic, there are chances that you are not the only one doing that. So the best way to make friends would be to find a similar topic writing fellow blogger and commenting on their blogs to start up a conversation. Hold up, there is a benefit to all that friendships. Most blogs allow the commenter to put a link up along with their names. The plus point of that will be seen as more visitors from their blogs will end up coming to your blog as well. That is only if you are able to strike a rapport with the bloggers and convince them for an exchange of links.

A small tip for the beginners, make sure that your comment has got some value to it. Valueless comments can be frustrating to read and you might end up losing your contact with the other bloggers. We can’t risk that right?

Join Support Groups For Blogging And Blog Carnivals

Most bloggers have reported a hike in their visitor count after participating in the blog carnivals that happen on the Internet. All you have to do is write a particular post on any topic and submit the said post to the carnival site. The post will be included in the list of other entries as well. If the blog carnival host is extremely popular, there are chances that more and more people will end up seeing your post. The result, you ask? More visitors and fans of your blogs are added to your WordPress blog site which will make your blog more popular. This can be an amazing way to exhibit your blogs to the reader all over the world and everyone is benefitted.

Blog support groups are equally helpful as well in finding similar blogs and getting more visitors which will ensure your blog’s popularity on the Internet.

Keep The Visitors Interested

If you are fully loaded with relate-able content and blogs, then it can be safely assumed that the visitors will be equally interested in the blogs that you post. What do you understand from that? Related posts mean more visitors and more popularity as well. There are a few plugins which can be useful for automatically keeping the content related for you. Posting images with your blogs will make them more relevant than the text links. Always keep that in mind. Follow the 000webhost.com for Installing WordPress and you are all set.

Explore Other Options

Sometimes it is a great idea to guest blog on the different blog sites that will make your hold strong as an expert. It will show the visitors that you probably have a bit more knowledge about any topic. Guest writing is a great way indeed to get your posts shown to the public outside your WordPress site.

Engage The Readers & Encourage Comments

Whenever you see someone commenting on the post of yours, they surely have got something to say to you. They might not be the regular visitors but that doesn’t mean that they are not important. Replying to the commenters and keeping the visitors engaged will allow a relationship to build between you two. That will result in an increased following ultimately as they will come back to your site for commenting and reading more. So make sure that you re-tweet the comment that you see on your site next time.

Social Sharing Should Be A Priority

Social sharing apps and widgets are a rage on the web these days. These small widgets have the power to increase the response on your blog in no time. It is just like magic people. Basics such as Twitter, Facebook, and much more options do wonders for giving your blogs the immense popularity that you need.


Blogging is definitely a long-time commitment and you might not get the followers for the first few months even after doing the above-mentioned things. The key here is to be patient enough and wait for your time. These tips, however, will help you in the long run for getting the popularity that you want.

So, are you motivated enough to start your own WordPress blog?

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