Bitcoin $6674.850 – CryptoCurrency Trading Report – 24.09.2018 06:07
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Here you can read the new CryptoCurrency report of the last 60 Minutes.
Bitcoin is leading the rank in the last hour as the most popular crypto currency in the trade market, with a recorded fall on its value of about -0.12% in the last hour with a current standing rate of 6674.850 dollars from 6682.869 dollars. Next to the popular Bitcoin is Tether, it has a rise of 0.26% in its exchange rate from 0.998 dollars trade price to 1.000 dollars.
The third on the position is Ethereum, this was 60 minutes ago, the original 242.357 dollars currency value decreased at -1.11% or 15 dollars now at 239.666 dollars.
The fourth popular currency in the crypt market is XRP, a change of -1.23% downfall was recorded in its value in the last 60 minutes, this lead to a 2 dollars decrease from 0.572 Dollars. Now at 0.565 dollars.
Top 5 on the list among the most popular crypto currency is EOS. It has -1.24% downfall in the last one hour making it 5.845 dollars from its previous 5.919dollar value.
The sixth position is Bitcoin Cash, the last on the list in our most popular crypto currency in the exchange market. The value reduced by -1.11% from its previous value of 485.194 dollars now it’s standing value is 479.808 dollars.
The biggest stock raisings of the last one hour are:
- Vulcano [OLD] – 414.22%: rose from 0.00234 dollars to 0.0120 dollars.
- Dalecoin – 78.07%: increased from 0.144 dollars to 0.256 dollars.
- GulfCoin – 62.8%: is standing by 0.00193 dollars after the previous 0.00314 dollars rates.
- HighCoin – 51.92%: according to the 0.000077 dollars from earlier it is going up to 0.000117 dollars.
The biggest share falls of the last one hour are:
- ORS Group – -46.81%: rose from 0.0483 dollars to 0.0257 dollars.
- CryptoInsight – -34.09%: increased from 0.00728 dollars to 0.00480 dollars.
- Espers – -33.51%: is standing by 0.00020078 dollars after the previous 0.000133 dollars rates.
- Golfcoin – -33.51%: according to the 0.00020078 dollars from earlier it is going up to 0.000133 dollars.
Join our party in the next hour too.
Date: 24. September 2018 06:07 AM (GMT)