Debt, Real Estate, and Gold

Debt, Real Estate, and Gold

Ever wonder how Robert Kiyosaki, author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series, built his fortune? It wasn’t by playing it safe. His path to wealth, centered around how debt, real estate, and gold contributed to Robert Kiyosaki’s financial freedom, is a fascinating study in unconventional financial thinking. He challenges traditional wisdom, encouraging us to see these…

2024 Cyber 5 Performance Analysis- Acceleration Partners

2024 Cyber 5 Performance Analysis- Acceleration Partners

Discover how affiliate and influencer marketing propelled holiday performance during Cyber 5. Our 2024 Cyber 5 Performance Analysis breaks down key metrics, trends, and actionable insights from Acceleration Partners’ global portfolio gathered by our proprietary APVision technology and interpreted by our in-house strategy and insights team. Here’s what you’ll learn: Evolving Shopping Behaviors: 40% of…

Everything You’ve Been Told about Quitting Is a Lie

Everything You’ve Been Told about Quitting Is a Lie

The word “quitting” was adopted into the english language in the 13th century and negative connatations have surrounded it ever since.  The word evokes the same negative feelings as words like failure, defeat or lost.  Sayings like, “Never quit” or “quitters never win” hang across locker rooms and guidance counselor’s offices across the country. It’s easy…

Physician’s ChatGPT Cheat Sheet: Reduce Stress, Get More Done

Physician’s ChatGPT Cheat Sheet: Reduce Stress, Get More Done

Ever feel like you’re spending more time trying to make ChatGPT work than actually getting things done? For busy doctors managing full schedules, family responsibilities, and personal to-dos, using ChatGPT incorrectly can be a frustrating time sink. It’s not just about what you ask but how you ask it. Get it wrong, and you’ll find…

From $820 to Billionaire – Dan Pena’s High Performance Habits

From $820 to Billionaire – Dan Pena’s High Performance Habits

Dan Pena, also known as the “50 Billion Dollar Man,” is a successful entrepreneur and business coach who has built his wealth through a combination of determination, hard work, and a never-give-up attitude. He began his journey with a sketchy past and very little money, but through grit and determination, he was able to turn…