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How to protect cryptocurrency?

The word cryptocurrency came from two words cryptography and currency.

Currency: Currencies can be defined as some sort of economic buffer that someone earns in exchange for their service or goods provided. They can again later use these to get the service or products of their desire.

Cryptography: Cryptography, on the other hand, concerned with the protection of data provided to it by converting the ordinary texts into unintelligible text. And if needed to be reaccessed they can be converted back into plain texts. Modern cryptography deals with integrity which means information cannot be altered, the confidentiality that stands for information cannot be understood by anyone and authentication which sums up into the fact that the sender and receiver can confirm each other.

So now if we try to get the above definition mixed and try to understand cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency: Cryptocurrency stands as a medium of exchange value that prevails in the digital world and depends on encryption, which makes transactions secure. Cryptocurrency is a substitute for payment through cash, credit cards, and checks. The technology behind it lets you send it straight to others without going over the 3rd party like a bank. You don’t have to apply your social security or credit score as collateral. It is allowing you to be moderately pseudonymous.
In simpler words, cryptocurrencies are like virtual accounting systems. They keep a history of all transactions. The transactions are grouped into blocks, which are cryptographically signed from where it got the name “cryptocurrency,” and the client doing the signing receives some number of units of virtual currency as remuneration for doing the work of calculating the cryptographic signature.

Today we will be discussing some tricks to better protect your cryptocurrency from getting lost or being stolen. Every week there appears to be a new doomsday prophecy for bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market. I can’t safeguard your money from a crashing market, but I can assist you with some pretty straightforward, but often overlooked advice to protect your investments from theft and accidental destruction. I like focusing on the things that I can control, and one of those things is portfolio security. This article is not about buying or selling advice. These are some simple advice to keep you from having your funds stolen or lost.

ALWAYS SET UP 2 FACTOR AUTHENTICATION: Two-factor authentication is the best possible way to fight with hackers. When 2FA is established, no one can reach your accounts without submitting a 6-digit key. These codes are always changing each time you need them. So, it becomes almost impossible for someone to assume them and get access.

NEVER STORE COINS ON EXCHANGES LONG TERM: If an exchange is hacked, you can lose all the money, and no one can give you the guarantee if any exchanges can compensate their members for the lost coins in reality. So, my suggestion is that use a safe cryptocurrency wallet that is available right now.

AVOID SHARING INFORMATION ABOUT WHERE YOUR COINS ARE OR HOW MUCH YOU HAVE: I know it’s very tempting to boast about your coins to anyone who will listen. Many investors quickly found themselves “crypto rich” and can’t wait to tell everyone how much they made. But in today’s world where trusting a person is so difficult given the fact that they always want to put you down is very dangerous to give them access to your cryptocurrencies.

NEVER USE THE SAME USER NAME AND PASSWORD TWICE: If it was any other accounts then it’s a strict no to use different username and password every time you make a transaction but when it comes to cryptocurrency its what I will recommend to protect your money. A there is no mail account attached for recovery there can not be anything better to use a new username and password every time you make a transaction.

TRIPLE CHECK WALLET ADDRESSES BEFORE TRANSFERRING FUNDS: Before transferring always ensure you are sending the proper coin to the appropriate wallet type and that the wallet address is complete and matches correctly otherwise soon you will find yourself in big trouble.

DON’T STORE LARGE AMOUNTS OF COINS ON MOBILE WALLETS: Mobile wallets are the same as your real regular wallet. So, if you do not store a large amount in your actual wallet because of theft, why should you put that much in e-wallets for the hackers to loot us virtually.

ALWAYS LOG OUT OF YOUR DEVICES, EXCHANGES, AND WALLETS WHEN YOU’RE FINISHED WITH THEM: This is the most crucial part to protect your money. Always log out after finishing a transaction. It will help you big time in protecting your crypto assets.

I hope these simple tricks will make your life much more comfortable and happier as you can now better protect your cryptocurrencies. Maybe some of you were already following, and some of you learned new things. Do leave your comment about any other tricks that we missed out or how much this post helped you.

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