Emergency Cash Flow Funding for Those in “Financial Limbo”!!! – HeathFull LifeStyle


This is an open letter/article based entirely upon fact to solicit genuine thought and ideas of what funding methods exist, or could be created, to assist individuals captivated by a current circumstance I call “Financial Limbo”.  I want to present a little background information for you to consider in suggested sources, and mechanisms, of providing emergency cash flow assistance. And solicit your feedback on alternative sourcing methods of resolving an imminent cash flow emergency.

I need to obtain access to a minimum of $6,500.00; but at least $900.00 of it on today (1/28) or by tomorrow Sat (1/29).  I don’t know if this situation falls within existing individual, or business, standard loan and funding programs; so I needed feedback ASAP if there were any ideas on how to make it happen with a reasonable payback arrangement. I could manage fairly easily up to $9,200.00 funding with at least a 24 to 36 month repayment period but $6,500.00 is the required minimum.

My situation is complicated by a somewhat “Financial Limbo” stimulated primarily because of the last two years of COVID impact on the economy. I have limited access to too much assets to qualify for public assistance and much too limited access to revenue generation activities to qualify for standard financing programs.  After the devastating effect of the 2008 Financial Crisis, I have been financially surviving debt free since 2010; so my credit history automatically dropped from my credit report files a couple of years ago. So any credit report inquiries will return no credit history at all because every category of debt is no longer relevant due to aging.

I utilize basically two pre-paid debit card accounts to handle my daily and monthly expenses. One is my PayPal Online business account; the other is my AccountNow debit card account with Online Bill Payment access to issue checks or electronic payments to cover expenditures requiring such payments.  Neither of these accounts would satisfy most standard funding programs requiring an Individual/Business Bank Account monthly statement.

I have some assets in stocks. But these are now predominately certificated shares and with the current COVID activities and protocols, these shares may take up to several months to convert into funds.

I am not sure if there is any funding mechanism other than by adding cash to instantly get at least $900.00 into the AccountNow account; but I know that several methods exist to get immediate access to funding into the PayPal account.

I appreciate your feedback and input regarding solving this Emergency Cash Flow funding situation.  Thanks in advance for your time and consideration. Stay safe and healthy.

Kind regards,

P.s. If you would like to make a donation rather than provide feedback or fund sourcing information please use this donation link Emergency Cash Flow Funding…Thank You!


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