Free Easy Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website | BlogTipsNTricks: Blogger Templates | Widgets | Tips

Free Easy Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Every website owner yearns to drive traffic to their website. No wonder; there are various SEO firms earning millions of cash since they claim to understand the tactics. However, you can drive traffic to your website for free in some simple, powerful ways.

Some ways to generate lots of traffic to your website are:

Video marketing

YouTube is a great website that you can use to get lots of traffic on your website. Funny videos attract as many visitors as possible. Therefore, if you’re smart enough, you can use a funny video and watch it go viral and yet tap into your niche.

But, in case you’re not into weird stuff, law firm seo can help you to come up with one that educates people on something related to what you do.


You can also develop a widget that could go viral. Google on widgets and you’ll end up surprised how many have come up and how some have gone viral. For instance, widgets on pregnancy and weather are trendy.

So, depending on the audience that you’re targeting, you may have a high chance of developing a widget that would be extremely profitable to your niche. Suppose you have a dental website you couuld consult dental seo and stand out of the crowd.


In recent times, blogs, as well as content marketing, have become crucial aspects of marketing. Several businesses and websites seem to have their blogs.

Besides, blogs drive more traffic to your page and assist in building better relationships with the audience. Though blogging can take time, with excellent strategies, they are worth it.
Move the free line

Consider some ways of packaging your information, audios, and reports and give them out for free. As a result, your give away products would do the marketing for your services. Nevertheless, research on your niche and get to know what they want.

Use social media

Social media can be a great source of traffic. However, daily attention is crucial for best results. Therefore, ensure that you have included social media links to your website and interact with the public frequently.

Also, share current and valuable information on your website and add social media sharing buttons to enable visitors to share it.

Use Visual content

Images are excellent ways of boosting traffic to your website. Research shows that many people are likely to remember what they see than what they read. if your website is about lawfirm then consult lawyer seo, use catchy images, for instance, banners and info-graphics for greater exposure.

Comment on related blogs

Blog comments are comparable to forums, show that you’re trying to be of help when commenting on a link rather than soliciting traffic. Therefore, often comment on related blogs and if you share links other people’s blog posts, indicate your reason for sharing the links. However, share only informational links. Otherwise, your comments will not be published.

Create a Reddit account

Reddit can be a great source of traffic. Members present content to the site, for instance; text posts, links, and infographics which are usually voted up or down by others. However, when submitting any content to the Reddit community, go through the community submission guidelines.

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