How to Bust Through the Dreaded Writer’s Block

This is a guest post by Charles Dearing.

Writer’s block happens to even the best out there. There are plenty of reasons behind this predicament. Many writers feel tired after long hours of composing their ideas. Some find it difficult to write a certain topic, leaving them unmotivated to continue. Others simply get distracted. It must be unavoidable, but there are ways to bust through that block easily. Here are some helpful tips to beat the hurdle:

writer's block

Set a regular schedule for writing

Most people find it easier to adhere to a routine for their daily activities. After all, doing things repetitively conditions the mind to produce something daily. If you want to avoid or lessen writer’s block, consider setting a particular time of the day dedicated to writing. Some feel that it is best to face the computer right after they have woken up to take advantage of having a good night’s sleep the night before. This arrangement is perfect for housewives who are mostly busy the entire day with chores.

Others who have busy schedules may have to squeeze their writing activities in the middle of the day. Meanwhile, there are also individuals who are more comfortable writing during the wee hours of the morning. Fifteen minutes to an hour for daily writing sessions is a good start. The time and duration is all up to you.

Discover what makes you inspired to write and use it to your advantage

A little inspiration can help. There are times when writing feels like a chore. When it does, remind yourself of your motivations. Are you taking this extra writing job to buy yourself a new computer? Do you want to gain more experience in publishing? Being quickly reminded of these will certainly compel you to type away. One of the easiest things to remind yourself why you write is to place a photo of the item that you want to purchase in the future, or a simple list of your goals that may include a blossoming writing career.

A short break can do wonders

Perhaps you just need to get moving to also get your brain working. Various studies report that people are not intended to sit all day. This means that we should not be stuck in front of the computer typing for long hours as it is detrimental to our health. Consider taking breaks after an hour of writing a chapter.

Some swear by the effectiveness of the Pomodoro Technique. A time-management method developed in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo, this technique is named after the kitchen timer that looks like a tomato. Each task is given 25 minutes, after which a short five-minute break is allotted before you work on the task again. After four pomodoros, you get to have a longer break, which usually lasts 30 minutes. These pomodoros promote focus in work that can help you improve writing skills and speed.

If you cannot finish the whole thing, make sure you don’t leave it hanging

There are times when you need to leave your work and just finish it some other time. In the event that you cannot take it any longer, make sure that you finish with a period, not with an incomplete thought. Push yourself to finish at least a paragraph or a chapter – whatever benchmark you consider for the term “temporarily finished,” it is imperative to complete sentences.

The reason for doing so is to help you become more eager and prepared to face it the next time around. Say you intend to go back to it the next day, it will be easier on your part to continue what was left off. It would only be annoying and frustrating to face a document with an incomplete thought, which in turn can make you feel lazy about completing it at all. Not only that, but it can also lessen your motivation to finish your piece because progress seems bleak.

Grab your idea book

writers idea book

Writers are known for writing ideas in notebooks and journals. If you find yourself stuck in a rut, revisiting some scribbles and doodles on your diary might do the trick. You may find an inspiration or an idea to work on, leading you to get back on track. Who knows, it might give you another interesting topic that can add more flavor and spark to your article.

Write now, edit later

There are writers who can’t seem to finish a piece because they keep rewriting a particular line. While self-editing remains just as important, one must also consider that writing and editing are interrelated activities that do not necessarily have to happen at the same time. It is best to come up with a rough draft before giving it one pass. If you are not satisfied with your draft, come up with a rewrite. After finishing the second draft comes the second round of editing. It should not be done per sentence, as it would take too much time.

The next time that you feel like abandoning your piece, remind yourself that your work is something that you can be proud of, and that you have reasons that you write.

About the author
Charles Dearing is a website copy writer with a background in marketing. He enjoys sharing his tips and writing insights on various blogs. He writes on behalf of which reviews popular webhosts like Blue-Host and

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