How to Use the Buyer Journey to Make More Sales

Every single business owner wants to make more sales in their business. And there comes a point when growing your business that you need to start to look and see what it is that makes your customers tick. 

What makes them want to buy from you rather than anyone else. How are they finding you? How long are they taking to make a purchase and so forth. 

Because in order to scale, you need a repeatable strategy you can use again and again, and you need to know what to expect so that you can turn people from dream clients to actual paying clients as quickly as possible. 

The marketing model you need to help you achieve this?

The buyer journey.

What is the Buyer’s Journey? 

Put simply, this is the journey your dream clients will go through from first coming across you, all the way through to making a purchase. 

It’s not about pushing the sale, it’s about understanding where your client is at right now and meeting them accordingly with your content marketing strategy. 

One of the biggest mistakes I see online business owners make is that they make this process really difficult. Both through their content and through their lack of optimisation on their social media accounts.  

What are the Three Stages of the Buyer’s Journey?

So what does the buyer’s journey look like?

Whilst the specifics may look different for every business and there are many marketing models out there which represent the buyer’s journey, the most common you’ll see in the online space is the three step process of:




However, there are actually two more steps to the buyer journey that can have a huge impact on your bottom line.

Client retention and client advocacy; both have huge benefits in your business. 

The latter being a powerful touch point for your ideal client. A recommendation from a friend, family member or even fellow business owner can have a huge impact on your sales. 

The former increases something we call a customer lifetime value. I’ve structured my own offer suite for maximum client retention by having a clear path of succession for my clients to go through. 

They may start in Social $ales Society, then move to CCA, then to FCA. If they’re then looking for additional 1 on 1 support, they can also join my one to one coaching. 

Not only this, I also ensure that I provide a stellar client experience for everyone in my world, no matter the container that they’re in, so that they actually want to work with me for longer. This is because no matter how good your marketing is, keeping an existing client costs far less in marketing efforts than it does to generate new business.

Making More Sales By Using the Buyer’s Journey

So, now you know more about the buyer journey, how do you use this information to make more sales?

Well for that we need to have a bit of storytime.

Because back in early 2022, my business had hit a bit of a stagnant period, we still had a six figure business which is incredible, but we’d stayed at the same amount for sometime. It’s like we lost our forward momentum and were just sitting comfortably. 

I almost gave up, I even told my partner to start looking for a job. I’m sure you’ve been there too right?

Instead, I decided to go ALL IN on my business once more.

I invested in high level mentorship and completely switched up my content strategy to create content that really took into account the buyer journey I’ve been sharing with you today and the content types that are necessary at different stages of their purchasing decision. 

And the moment I switched the messaging, stopped trying to please social media algorithms, pivoted away from posting educational tips and tricks content, my sales skyrocketed.

By like 5 times. Because this stuff works! It’s a proven marketing framework, it’s not been plucked from thin air. 

We’re now generating 5x the amount we used to from that one simple switch. The power of creating content backed by buyer psychology that takes your ideal client on a journey, hey!

Because it was so instrumental in our success, in Q2 of this year, I analysed every single piece of content I wrote and looked at the sales generated from each piece to see what we could repeat this quarter. 

I decided to put my top ten performing posts together into a free guide where I break down, step-by-step the type of content it was, the intention behind the post (this is where we think about where the client is in the buyer journey and tailor content accordingly). 

Finally I shared the sales strategy behind the post so you could see why we were posting in the way that we were. 

PLUS, I wrap things up by letting you know EXACTLY what the results were from the post so you can use this to replicate similar results of your own. 

Download the free content guide and speak soon 

Claudia xx

P.S. Don’t forget to message me on Instagram

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