Switching Email Providers Again? – Tricia Meyer

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image of email newsletter

Update: Well that was a huge screwup. I switched away from Aweber and then had nothing but problems with the new company!! In fact, after I signed up for the $35 price and loaded in my lists, they immediately autobilled me for another $35, saying that my “plan” wasn’t big enough. Even though I was definitely within the constraints of what the signup page said. Then! I spent a week trying to integrate my RSS feed into campaign emails…. even messaging their customer service. Their customer service basically told me that I wasn’t paying enough for them to help me and just referred me to their documentation, which was no help at all.

After days of freaking out that I won’t be able to send out all of the Deal emails to Sunshine Rewards members during the BIGGEST SHOPPING DAYS OF THE YEAR, I begged Aweber to take me back. They were gracious and reopened my account, with everything right where I left it. Now I just have a few updates to move forms back to what they were and a little cleaning of my lists. Lesson learned!!

Give Aweber a chance even if your price is going up! They will work with you to see if you can lower your cost by removing inactive subscribers or paying annually.

Original Post: 

It seems like only yesterday that I was writing about Converting from Mailchimp to Aweber. In actuality, it has been over 2 years!

At the time, I switched because my Mailchimp monthly fees had gone up by over 40% in 3 years. I had used Aweber many years ago, and they were touting how much lower their prices were… so I switched all of my sites to them.

Fast forward only two years and my Aweber account is going up from $54.99 to $90! That’s almost double! Given how infrequently I use my list (if you are on it, you know it’s about 4 times a year), that’s a big jump.

I don’t have anything against Aweber. I have no doubt that they have added a lot of bells and whistles to their system that probably make it a good deal if you use all of them. I just don’t. I have an RSS feed of my blog posts (that I write a few of a year) and send a one-off email now and again.

I was on a PMA call and someone suggested another company to me. I checked them out and it seems like they will do what I need for only $35 a month. We shall see if an email goes out from this blog post!

If you have other suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comments. I have a feeling I am not the only affiliate marketer who is going to be changing in the next 4 weeks. Changing email providers is SUCH a pain, especially when you have multiple sites with integrations. So picking a good one is crucial!

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