Table to Sell Days of a 365 Day Calendar Using WooCommerce

This plugin enables you to create products representing days of the year. The products are listed for sale as simple products using WooCommerce.

The plugin :

  1. Creates a simple product for every day of the year upon plugin activation.
  2. Adds a price starting at $1 incrementing by $1 for each day of the year.
  3. Creates a category named calendar and assigns the new products to this category.
  4. Adds a shortcode you can use in any page to display a table of products.
  5. Dynamically updates the tables availability for each product with the buyers name and disables the purchase link.
  6. Dynamically adds the buyers name to the single product page once the orders status is completed and disables purchase.
  7. Changes the add to cart button to purchased once the order is complete.


Once activated, paste the shortcode [fundraiser_calendar] into a page or post where you want your table to display.

The table updates dynamically based on products assigned to the calendar category and order status. Any product with a status other than completed will be available for purchase directly from the table, shop page or single product page.

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